How Do You Manage and Lead Yourself?

How Do You Manage and Lead Yourself?

  In his article “Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life” (Harvard Business Review, April 2008), Stewart Friedman discusses the importance of pursuing excellence as a leader and transferring the skills of leadership to all areas of your life—work, home, community and self. After all, if we focus only on the skills of leading and managing others, we miss a very big part of the equation. Being an effective […]

Will your goals achieve what you really want?

Will your goals achieve what you really want?

How many times do you hear someone say ‘I want to be wealthy’ or ‘I want to retire early’. Perhaps you’ve said this yourself. What else would you like to achieve in your life? Perhaps you’d like to travel to exotic places, own your home and an investment property, too. What about becoming an inspirational leader of a high-performing team at work? Goals are simply dreams with deadlines. Whether you […]

Six frogs on a lily pad – A parable for change

Six frogs on a lily pad – A parable for change

Six frogs are sitting on a lily pad. One of them decides to jump off. How many frogs are left? Five – right? Well, no. There are still six frogs because the frog in question hasn’t done anything yet. Yes a decision has been made but no action has been taken. And that’s the point. We can know what needs to change. We can make a decision to change it. […]

7 Simple Strategies in Getting Things Done by Jack Canfield

7 Simple Strategies in Getting Things Done by Jack Canfield

One of the most common questions I receive is “Jack, how do you get so much done?” It’s a fair question, considering I’ve written 150 books, deliver an average of 50 live presentations around the world each year, invest a considerable amount of time with my Train the Trainer students, lead the Transformational Leadership Council, yet still have time to cultivate an amazing relationship with my wife, spend time with […]