Ancora Learning offers more than 150 courses, and although the company is generalist in nature each of our trainers and facilitators are specialists in their field.
Our offerings can be themed, and we are recognized for making a significant difference to individuals, teams and organisations in the following areas:-
Leading, Managing and Developing People
Team Development
Individual Performance
Customer Experience
Sales and Service
Project Management
What is the duration of the training course?
The duration of the training course or program depends on the outcomes you want to achieve. We can deliver a 2 hour session at a conference through to a 12 month graduate or leadership program.
How are your training courses delivered?
The Learning Programs can be delivered face to face or online using a virtual classroom, webinar or eLearning module. For many organisations with offices or stores interstate or in remote locations, then a blended approach is very effective. This may include online and correspondence, supported by some classroom delivery.
What levels of the organisation do you work with?
We work at all levels within the organisation, from frontline customer facing staff, to team leaders, senior managers and executives.
We love it when we have the opportunity to work with all levels. This enables traction and fastracks making a difference.
What tools or instruments do you use?
We have access to more than 35 diagnostic and assessment tools and instruments, ranging from the well known ones like:
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)
Life Styles Inventory (LSI)
Team Management Profile (TMP)
Facet 5
Genos EI
Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)
The Leadership Circle
Belbin Team Inventory
as well as many less well recognised ones. We will assist you to select the appropriate one for your learning outcomes.
Ancora Learning eNews - years ago
9 Body Language Habits that make you look unprofessional! 60-90% of our communication with others is nonverbal years ago
RT @HarvardBiz: 4 attributes of people who are good at learning new skills. years ago