Consulting & Contracting

Expert Consulting and Contracting Services to suit your Organisational Needs

Consultants and Contracting in Instructional Design, Recruitment, Training Needs Analysis, Organisational Development and Change Management

Whether you need a consultant or contractor for instructional design, recruitment, training needs analysis or organisation development and change management, Ancora can provide an expert in their field one-off or on a more regular basis giving you flexibility and control.

Engaging one of Ancora’s expert consultants and contractors means you can better manage your organisation’s time, resources and personnel in line with your goals and objectives.

Ancora can provide:-

Organisational Development Consultants and Contractors

Specialist consulting service for managing development and change

Today more than ever organisations are vulnerable to change on many levels. Ancora Learning’s organisational development consultants and Contractors can work with your business during the challenges of acquisitions, redundancies, downsizing and market changes. Our expert organisational development consultant and Contractors can assist with change management by maintaining staff retention, preserving staff morale and managing the communication during these times.

For more information on how you can work with Ancora Learning Consultants and Contractors

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


Training Needs Analysis Consultants and Contractors

Identifying your learning & development needs with an expert consultant or contractor in training needs analysis

Ancora Learning can provide your business with a Training Needs Analysis Consultant and Contractors to identify the training and developmental needs within your organisation on an individual or team or organisational level. Ancora can assist you to understand your specific training needs, objectives and expected outcomes. This will be followed by a comprehensive training gap analysis which will demonstrate the training required and how it will move the organisation from its current position to achieving its business goals and objectives. Based on the results Ancora can then develop a plan to implement the program as well as effectively measure its success. Whether you require ongoing development or require training analysis for a specialist role or one off project, Ancora Learning can help.

For more information on how you can work with Ancora Learning Consultants and Contractors

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


Instructional Design Consultants and Contractors

Expert Learning and Development Consultants and Contractors for your specific organisational needs

Ancora Learning can provide expert instructional design and learning and development consultants and Contractors to develop and write innovative customised learning programs based on the specific needs and objectives of your organization. Ancora’s learning and development consultants and Contractors will work collaboratively towards design that aligns with and supports your HR and L&D departments as well as the organisational structure and culture.

Whether you require new programs or adaptation of an existing program, Ancora can create industry specific and/or organisation specific programs to suit your learning and developmental needs.

Our learning and development consultant or contractor will design and develop resources such as facilitator guides and workbooks, e-learning programs as well as programs on internal processes and responsibilities.

For more information on how you can work with Ancora Learning Consultants and Contractors

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


eLearning and Social Learning

Ancora Learning consultants and contractors can work with you to design and build an e-learning strategy and courses.

Businesses are looking for faster and more cost effective ways of delivering training.  eLearning is particularly useful for imparting knowledge, for example, new products. It is also useful for compliance purposes to be able to track what courses have been completed by team members.

The benefits for eLearning could be seen as:

  • Lower costs
  • Faster delivery
  • More effective learning
  • Lower environmental impact
  • Learners can go at their own pace, not at the pace of the slowest member of a group

In some instances, learners can learn what they need to learn, and skip elements of the program that they don’t need.  In addition to lower delivery costs, there is a strong argument that e-learning is more cost-effective because there is a reduction in training time known as learning compression. The single largest cost of training in organisation’s is the cost of staff attending the training course, rather than the delivery costs.

If you would like to include eLearning as part of your learning strategy,

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


Change Management Consultants

The Ancora Learning change management consultants and contractors can help support your organisation, department, or team with a smooth transition from the old to the new while maintaining morale, productivity, and even company image.

Change is a planned and managed process where the benefits of the change are known before implementation and serve as motivators and assessment of progress.  Many change initiatives fail, due to lack of planning or effective and timely communication and having the right support can minimize risk and reduce resistance to change.

A carefully planned approach to change reduces stress and anxiety and encourages people to stay loyal to the organization and increase employee acceptance of change.  Having a Change management resource as part of your team will help reduce disruptive aspects and emphasise positive opportunities in the change process.

For more information on how you can work with Ancora Learning Consultants

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


Recruitment Consultants and Contractors

Specialist Recruitment Consultants and Contractors for flexible employment management

Ancora Learning can provide your organisation with an expert recruitment consultant or contractor utilising proven tools and methodologies to effectively recruit and importantly retain the most suitable candidate for the role.

Whether your require our expertise for a one off recruiting drive or on a more regular basis, an Ancora recruitment consultant and contractor will work internally with your HR and/or executive team whenever the need arises giving you flexibility and control

Ancora Learning can also assist with talent management, graduate programs and induction programs to help your organisation build a successful, effective and productive team.

For more information on how you can work with Ancora Learning Consultants and Contractors

call 1300 ANCORA [1300 262 672]


Ancora Learning eNews - years ago
9 Body Language Habits that make you look unprofessional! 60-90% of our communication with others is nonverbal years ago
RT @HarvardBiz: 4 attributes of people who are good at learning new skills. years ago
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